About Health Care Without Walls

Health Care Without Walls provides compassionate and comprehensive gender-specific health care and care coordination to homeless and poor women and families on-site in 7 Boston area shelters. Personalized and tender care is delivered free of charge by teams of volunteer physicians supported by dedicated nurses. Our clients range from 1 day old to women in their nineties, all bound by the common need for human kindness given without red tape, bureaucratic hurdles, or stigmatization.

  1. Core Program—Doctors and nurses provide walk-in care, diagnostic tests, chronic disease and case management, referrals, education and counseling at all participating adult women’s shelters.
  1. Medical Home Without Walls—Primary care and care coordination for over 65 year old women with hospital partnerships contracted through an Accountable Care Organization.
  1. Family Shelter Services—Doctors and nurses provide walk-in care, care coordination, referrals, developmental assessments and parenting education at participating family shelters.
  1. Medical Education and Mentoring Program—HCWW is a host site for community service electives for medical and nursing students, pre-meds, medical residents, and students of other allied health professions using a Curriculum that we created and published.
  1. Research and Metrics—HCWW tracks and reports our clinical outcomes and milestone events, presenting our data at national and international conferences.
  1. Care Coordination Consultation—HCWW assists medical facilities with discharge planning.