Ways to Give

Every dollar you give goes to providing urgent care to those underserved and vulnerable members of our community – homeless women and children – who count on the safety-net of free and compassionate health care we provide every day. Health Care Without Walls is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN: 04-3487205. There are many ways to give…

Make a Donation Now

Every gift impacts the lives of our clients by giving them the medical support they need to improve their lives. You can make a one-time donation or set up a monthly recurring gift.

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Matching Gifts

Check with your human resources department to see if your company has a matching-gift program. Please mail required forms provided by your company to us with any questions.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Use your donation to Health Care Without Walls as a way to recognize a loved one through a memorial gift. Honoring someone or someone’s accomplishment is a wonderful way to support Health Care Without Walls. For tribute gifts, we send a personal card letting the honoree know a gift has been made in their honor. For memorial gifts, we can mail a card to whomever you chose.

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Planned Giving: Investing in the Future

Including Health Care Without Walls in your bequest or other estate plans ensures that the issues you care about today will continue to receive your financial support in the future. Please contact us.

Donor Advised Fund

Giving through your donor advised fund is another way you can support us. Donor advised funds can help manage your charitable giving, assist in tax benefits, and increase the impact of your gift.