Significant Facts
- Our volunteer physicians donate up to $500,000 of free medical care each year to help homeless and poor women and children in Boston area shelters.
- Physicians come from all Boston area hospitals and represent Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Ob-Gyn, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, and Psychiatry.
- The number of homeless is on the rise, with families headed by single mothers and elderly women hit hardest.
- In 2014, Health Care Without Walls sent its medical team of 16 volunteer physicians, three volunteer nurses and 7 paid nurse case managers to 7 shelters in the Boston area.
- Health Care Without Walls currently serves Women’s Lunch Place, Rosie’s Place, all Casa Myrna residences for battered women and families and 2 family shelter sites located in Waltham, Massachusetts, Home Suites Inn and Mary’s House.
- Health Care Without Walls works with 3 Boston housing agencies to facilitate secure and stable housing for the women we serve with particular emphasis on elderly women, a rising demographic among the homeless.
- Health Care Without Walls relies entirely on private donations and grants to pay for the ancillary services that complement the free care. The organization does not bill for its clinical time.